Parrish Insults Bush, America Boycotts Canada

Alright.. so today we get a lesson in childish behaviour. Carolyn Parrish, an MP for the Liberals in the House of Commons, has apparently publicly stated her dislike for President Bush and has squished the head of a poor little Bush Doll on a Canadian Satire show. Today, Prime Minister Martin bowed to pressure and …

Saddams Final Plea: Attempts to Avoid War

Most of the debate around whether the Iraq war should or should not have happened centers on the International Community/UN vs. the US/Coalition, the inspections, and such. There was very little talk at the time about Iraqs attempts to avoid war. Indeed, I was not aware until today that Iraq had even tried to broker …

Good News from Afghanistan

Found a nice blog giving a huge round-up of all the GOOD things that are happening in Afghanistan. Check this Out In Afghanistan, men used to use guns to appear strong–now they flock to gymnasiums to worship at the altar of the latest craze, bodybuilding. Afghanistan has become the latest link in NATO’s “Virtual Silk …