Iraqi Election Coverage

As the fateful date appears, a website has popped up tracking election coverage “as it happens”. Make sure you go check out: “Friends of Democracy” Also stop by another Iraqi blog: “Democracy in Iraq” And finally, if you’d like the point of view of a Kurdish voter-to-be, go check out Kurdo’s World. He just put …

The Fun Continues

LT Smash apparently thinks I should give up the criticism, yet gives me more and more to work with. Frankly, I am quite surprised with his rather emotional reaction. I expected a far more reasoned and carefully worded response, but it’s all good. Although they became sovereign and independent in 1901, they’ve never really enjoyed …

Liberal Blogger Quiz

Bunker Mulligan pointed to an informal survey at Right Wing News being cast out to “Lefty Bloggers” (I think that’s me) asking them yes/no answers to see just how “lefty” they really are. I’m willing to take the “challenge” as it were… so here goes. It’s formulated like one of those “You are ____ if …