I will delist from Political Affiliates

Hi everyone. From now until the end of the Election I will be removing all links to Political sites on my sidebars and delist from those affiliates including Progressive Bloggers, Blogging Dippers, and Green Bloggers. I am doing this for two reasons: #1: My wife has completed her training for Elections Canada and thus, under …

Sure thing? Conservatives poised for victory?

Well, that’s certainly the case if you ask any right-wing/conservative blogger out there. However, I’m not so sure, and not only because I’m petrified of the effects of a Conservative Majority (which some are so bravely predicting). All this hubbub is, after all, based on polling data but as I have said before, polls are …

I will vote NDP on Saturday: This is Why…

Last night I went to the All Candidates meeting here in Port Alberni. I am in the riding of Nanaimo-Alberni on Vancouver Island. I already intended on voting this Saturday in the advance polls (voting on the weekend is alot easier than after a days work and commute home)… So, I went to the ACM …