No big Surprise Turnout is Low

(This letter was sent to the Alberni Valley News on January 2, 2024) Dear Editor, Like Mrs. Chen, I was left questioning why turnout was so abysmally low in the City by-election. People are cynical and disconnected in general right now. Political advertising is negative, gimmicky, even threatening.  Who wants to engage with that? Where …

Want to increase civility and feel happier, delete Facebook.

(This letter was inspired by this Editorial in the AV News October 25, 2022) Dear Editor, and Port Alberni We have a problem. Facebook, and the way its algorithms, groups and interface manipulate us subconsciously to react and enflame, has ripped the heart out of this so-called Community with a Heart. An article published in …

City of Port Alberni Elections – By the Numbers since 1993

An Exciting Night If you needed any proof that every vote is critical, you only need to look at the result from last night’s municipal election in the City of Port Alberni. Thanks to archives of the Alberni Valley Times and on the City of Port Alberni website, I was able to to find numbers …