An Iranian talking about War with US

I have an Iranian friend with whom I often chat online. She’s a recent immigrant to Vancouver from Iran. She is studying at one of the Universities here. Now that classes are over, she is headed back to Iran to visit family and friends. (Her parents have immigrated here as well). Our conversation veered today …

Do not lower Gas Taxes: Here’s why.

Because it is a continuation of the problem, so some tax will come off. So what? The price of crude will continue to rise, and quickly make up the difference. It’s not “relief” it’s a vote grab. By lowering Gas Taxes we are in effect saying. “We do not like to pay high prices for …

Unlikely Agreement: Peak Oil

Can you guess where these words came from (uttered in Sept 2005)? I’ll give you a hint.. it is a US Government Agency. World proved reserve lifetime for oil is about 41 years, most of this at a declining availability. They are one of the largest consumers of petroleum products in the world. Domestic [US] …