Natural Gas Supplies Extremely Tight in 5 years

Says the International Energy Agency (energy tabulator for the “rich” OECD countries). Not only does oil look extremely tight in five years time, but this coincides with the prospect of even tighter natural gas markets at the turn of the decade. The above quote is from an article on the CBC. But the full report …

Build Wind Energy, develop Pacific oil/gas… or fight wars?

This was a comment by someone I talked to a few months ago.. unfortunately, it was so long ago, and I started this post so long ago… that I no longer have my notes about WHO that person was… so lets just call him John Doe. Let’s take that $300 billion figure for the Iraq …

Do not lower Gas Taxes: Here’s why.

Because it is a continuation of the problem, so some tax will come off. So what? The price of crude will continue to rise, and quickly make up the difference. It’s not “relief” it’s a vote grab. By lowering Gas Taxes we are in effect saying. “We do not like to pay high prices for …