Oil Age ending.. the coming footsteps

This was my reply to a commenter in my previous thread on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Climate change is already happening in the North. The Canadian (and Alaskan) Inuit population is perhaps the best resource for proof of this. They have the oral and written history of their elders, and thousands of …

Sweden leads: Commits to Fossil-Free-Future

Treehugger.com is reporting that Sweden is going to kick its’ oil habit. Goran Persson, the Prime Minister of Sweden, has announced that his country will try to end its fossil fuel dependency by 2020. The plan is mostly based on investments and tax incentives for the use and research and development of alternative sources of …

Kofi Annan takes fall for UN

Here’s something you don’t see everyday… Updated! See Bottom A “leader” taking the hit for his own transgressions, and that of his organization. Before I start, I want to make one thing clear, this post has two parts. They are equal in value and equal in their criticism towards the two “leaders”. Just to make …