So what about an 11th Province of Vancouver Island?

[poll id=”15″] There’s an election happening in Nanaimo. The big news is of course that this election could trigger a provincial election if the BC Liberals win. But there is something a little different about this election. “The Vancouver Island Party”? What do you think of the pitch? click for larger versions, or go to …

De-Bunking the No-STV website

I just happened to go over to the No-STV website and there is nothing that bugs me more than FUD. Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. And this website has it in spades. I’ll point out 3: #1… the “Hockey Analogy”: No-STV plots out a hypothetical 7 game Stanley Cup Final with Vancouver vs. Toronto: With four …

Maybe Canada needs an ad campaign on American Idol?

Cuz how the hell else are we going to convince the bunch of high-powered yet bloody ignorant misinformed officials and public in the US that *EVERY SINGLE 9-11 ATTACKER ENTERED THE UNITED STATES DIRECTLY*. And in fact the only “terrorist” ever known to have attempted to cross the Canada/US border was the dude who tried …