Right after the election, there was a lot of talk about Americans who were so “fed up” with the direction their country was going that they were actually considering leaving it. Consequently, information sessions in the States for prospective Canadian immigrants filled up. I thought it was just a blip… but, I found a new …
Tag Archives: Canada
Italy pulls out, Aussies fill in.
Some might call it replacing a soft ally with a “real ally”. What I see is that, slowly but surely, the “Coalition of the Willing†is degrading into what it truly represented. The aggression of one nation against the will of the world.
Simple question on Iraqi democracy
Name one Democracy where the winning party must achieve something other than a simple majority (50%+1) in order to govern: Corrected/Updated US Senate: No House: No Presidency: No Canada: No UK: No France: No Israel: No Iran: No South Africa: No Sweden: No Afghan Presidency: No Lebanon: No Iraq: Yes, 75% of vote is needed …