“Controversial nude statue won’t be re-erected in B.C.” You just know the guys and gals at CBC News Online were just dying to get the Go on that one. haha.
Tag Archives: Canada
Kofi Annan releases report on UN Reform
Kofi Annan has finally released his report and recommendations on how to go about reforming the United Nations. I’m in the process of looking through it. It’s, of course, very large. But already I see encouraging facets to the recommendations. Even if they may not go far enough, they are definitely going in the right …
America, welcome to Canada
Right after the election, there was a lot of talk about Americans who were so “fed up” with the direction their country was going that they were actually considering leaving it. Consequently, information sessions in the States for prospective Canadian immigrants filled up. I thought it was just a blip… but, I found a new …