Canada and China sign “Strategic Alliance”

Big news out of Ottawa today. The Chinese President Hu JinTao and PM PM (Prime Minister Paul Martin) signed a “strategic alliance” today. Details of the alliance seem thin but it is clearly mainly economic in nature. China has been investing heavily in the Canadian resource sector, especially oil and natural gas so this is …

Sharia Law in Ontario… an Opportunity for moderation?

I’ve been thinking about this subject for the past few days. If you’re not familiar with the subject, there is currently a movement afoot by legislators in the province of Ontario to allow for the application of Sharia law on certain cases that cover communities of the Islamic faith. This is not a case of …

Louisiana Senator thanks Vancouver team

Some good news from New Orleans today: Senator Walter Boasso said a Vancouver-based team reached St. Bernard parish five days before the U.S. army got there. “Fabulous, fabulous guys,” Boasso said. “They started rolling with us and got in boats to save people … We’ve got Canadian flags flying everywhere.” Good to hear, glad to …