Rafe Mair on Muckrackers and the dilution of the 4th Estate

For those that do not know him, Rafe Mair is one of the best known political commentators in Canada. He was once a provincial MLA and Cabinet Minister. But for the past decade and-then-some he has been a fiesty even fiery voice on the local radio station in BC and often broadcast around Canada. Rafe …

Paul Martin phones George Bush re: Softwood

and says enough is enough, Canada is no longer at the negotiating table… it’s off to US Court we go! Needless to say.. when I heard this on the CBC this afternoon.. my jaw dropped. What’s this? Canada actually recognizing when Shes right and standing up for herself? Haazaa! From the CBC and National Post/Canada.com …

South Asian Earthquake

Heard today on the radio that 24,000 are feared dead in Pakistan and India… 24,000 that’s more people than in most small towns. It’s so easy for us in the West to see this on the news and say “Oh, those poor people.. we should send them some money”. Canada has pledged $20 million… yay …