Analysing North American Natural Gas Production

Today on The Oil Drum is an excellent analysis of production from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin… also know as “The Oil (and Gas) Patch”. This is where 95% of Canadas’ Natural Gas comes from. And where 1/4 of all of North Americas used Natural Gas is extracted. Please, go check it out… but the …

A little taste of Iraq

From the CBC “We are getting some reports of customers getting aggressive with our crews because they want their power restored,” Moreno said. “Please be patient with us, we need our space to work and to work safely. We understand that you’re frustrated right now. But we are trying the best we can to get …

New Liberal Leader – First Green PM?

(cross-posted to The Oil Drum: Canada) In a stunning victory, Stephane Dion is the new Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and has a good chance of being the next Prime Minister of Canada. (for those not French-inclined, his name is pronounced “Stay-fan Deon”) Todays Liberal Leadership Convension was truly something to behold. Not …