Reaction inside and outisde, to French riots

I’ve been surfing a lot this evening looking at various reactions and opinions on the current events in France. There is a ton of it out there, and plenty of theories on what’s going on and why its’ happening. First… on the Academic side… Global Guerrillas calls this another front in Open Source Warfare: Here’s …

Guest speaker: Thoughts on the Riots in Paris

If you’ve been following the news lately you would have seen reports of rioting outside Paris. Unfortunately due to the language barrier it’s harder to get a feel for what the *French* actually think about these events. So I wanted to find someone who could give a better perspective on how the events are being …

Gomery Report: Will the Government fall?

I doubt it. For a number of reasons… #1: The Conservative Party has not the balls to bring down the government. They *could* do it… without quesiton, but they’d have to make a deal with the Bloc and NDP in order to do it. They’re far too power hungry to do that.. they think they’d …