Canadian Supreme Court approves Civil Union

The Supreme court ruled today on the four questions asked of it by the Federal Government and they have effectively made Canada the third country to legalize gay marriage. 2 UPDATES Last year the Federal Government introduced legislation that would legalize gay marriage under a civil union. Before introducing it to Parliament, though, they sent …

American Deserters coming to Canada

There has been a lot of talk lately of members of the American Armed Forces coming to Canada and trying to enter as refugees. While I agree with their motives, I don't believe these people should be allowed in. 2 UPDATES Canada has a long history of offering safe harbour to people fleeing conflict, persecution …

Canadians Helping spread Democracy

I found the answer to my question last time about "how to become an election monitor". And in the process, found a very cool and interesting website. CANADEM is a non-profit agency dedicated to advancing international peace and security through the recruitment, screening, promotion and rapid mobilization of Canadian expertise. These are the people who …