My good friend over at dug up a very interesting article about developing websites for people with learning disabilities Learning and cognitive disabilities are not things that web designers generally take into account when designing their pages so it's nice to see someone finally talking about it!
CPA/Bremer lost $9 billion?
Can you say "Oil-For-Food, part Deux?" I just read this at the Sydney Morning Herald. (It's dated February 1... that always makes my brain hurt) It seems that a recent audit of the Coalition Provisional Authority has dug up a discrepancy of $9 billion. The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) may have paid salaries for thousands …
Health Canada considering Bath seat Ban
Before todays regular update, I wanted to point out an article I saw this morning because it directly affects us. Apparently Health Canada is considering Banning baby bath seats. It just so happens that we bought one of these recently. In fact, we bought the one that the CBC picked to put on their article. …