You know, one of the wonderful gifts the Internet gives us is the ability to communicate instantly with people no matter where they are... well, now not only can you communicate with them you can spy on them too... using Google! Check out Google Maps and test out your spying abilities. (US and Canada only) …
Saudi Cleris discourage forced marriages
Good news for social change in Saudi Arabia today: the kingdom's mufti, Sheik Abdul-Aziz al-Sheik, issued a statement saying that coercing women to marry was "un-Islamic" and "a major injustice." this from the CBC There is always all this talk that in order to bring democracy and "freedom" to a country, one has to rise …
War Crimes: Fallujah
As I've made clear to anyone who asks... I believe that the Iraq war was an illegal action that clearly went against International treaties and conventions signed by all parties involved in the Coalition. I am obviously not alone in that belief since even the Attorney General of Great Britain thought any action without a …