Updated Twice If you want evidence that we are reaching Peak Oil* you need only look at Alaska. Alaska has traditionally provided about 20% of the United States need for oil. This figure has been in steady decline over the past few decades as Alaskan oil was allowed to be sold globally, and US demand …
A sad note: Bunker Mulligan passes away
I just found out that the owner of one of the sites that I frequented, Bunker Mulligan, has passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. I like his blog because he was never *too* political, kept his sense of humour, and yet never backed down from his viewpoint. His voice will be missed in my …
Apples switch to Intel processors… what it means.
This may seem a little off topic for my blog, but long before I was a political nutcase, I was a Mac and Windows techno geek. It is, after all, my day job. so I wanted to comment on the big news coming out of Apple Computer yesterday. If you're reading this post, and thus …
Continue reading "Apples switch to Intel processors… what it means."