To The Editor: It is Time for a Provincial Environmental Health Officer

Dear Editor, (Published June 20 Times Colonist "We need a Bonnie Henry for climate change") As I watch the calm, compassionate and intensely rational and authoritative handling of the COVID19 pandemic by Dr. Bonnie Henry, I can’t help but think we need this for BC’s environment and ecosystems. Dr. Henry’s primary goal is to work …

Installing a Hitch and Wiring Harness into a 2019 Hyundai Kona Electric

Updated - New Power Controller A week after my electrician friend and I installed the wiring harness and a few days after getting a new trailer, something went bad in the controller that required it to be replaced. I have added what I did to diagnose and eventually replace the power controller with a Tekonsha …

To The Editor: COVID19 and Climate Change

Dear Editor, I write this after two and a half months of working at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic and 25 years of hearing about taking action on climate change. We now know the stark difference when people listen to scientists and when they don’t. In B.C. we have lost lives but we listened …