White House “Furious” with Paul Martin

Touchy subject? This is what Paul Martin said at the UN Climate Change conference in Montreal. Update... edited Martin quote for completeness as quoted by CTV.ca To the reticent nations, including the United States, I say there is such a thing as a global conscience, and now is the time to listen to it... Now's …

The NDP responds… to me, on the Green Party

This past Monday, I emailed the NDP (along with the Conservatives and Liberals) and asked them if they could provide me with an answer to this basic question: Why is the Green party not in the National Debate? To my surprise, the NDP responded. Granted it may be a form letter... it certainly isn't from …

Liberal Polls, up again, down again.

Last night the (left) blogosphere was abuzz about the Dec 6th daily poll from SES research which put the Liberals out ahead with a healthy 40% of decided voters while the CPC trailed with 28% Today, we've come back down to Earth.... Strategic Council released their Dec 7th poll results.. and the Liberals are, according …