Let’s Recycle Everything at the Curb – Complexity is OK.

Complexity is ok if it makes sense. Have you ever felt like everyone is treating you like an idiot? Not in a mean way, but more like “Well, let’s make this as simple as possible so lots of people do it!” There is plenty of merit to the old “Keep It Simple Stupid” principle, but …

A Year In – Questions to some Port Alberni Councillors

A few weeks ago I sent an email out to the Mayor and six councillors. It’s good to check in sometimes and see what sticks out for people after a year with a new job for some, and new partners for others. I received responses from Councillors Haggard and Paulson so I’ve included them below. …

The Annual Tax Brawl Begins – Check those numbers.

It’s that time of year again, no, not Thanksgiving, or Black Friday, or even giving Tuesday. It’s the time of year cities start to work on their annual Five Year plans. I was going through the local news sites this morning at AVNews (Port Alberni proposes 5.1 percent tax increase for 2020) and the Peak …