How many other Iraqis would give anything to have been in Samir’s position? Geneva Conventions aside for a second… if you were a man representing an oppressed, tortured and mutilated people… and had the opportunity to look the one man in the eye that made it all possible… what would you do? Frankly, Saddam’s probably …
Category Archives: War and Peace
Get yer Military documents here!
On Sunday a Greek student in Italy discovered that a “blacked-out” PDF document detailing the US Military’s investigation into the killing of an Italian intelligence agent could be “uncovered”. He told a few newspapers and before we knew it, the previously “classified” report was open for full viewing. This was a technological Oops by some …
Secret Minutes of UK Meeting
This is the memo, published online by The War in Context… and leaked yesterday by the Guardian that I pointed to last night. You can download a capture of it here. As the members of the meeting heard, on July 23, 2002… The Attorney-General said that the desire for regime change was not a legal …