Here’s a question for you. Has Iraq turned into another Afghanistan? Will the war Israel is waging against Hezbollah Lebanese civilians effectively overshadow and bury the ongoing debacle in Iraq. And yes, it is *still* a debacle. Iraqi bloggers haven’t forgotten of course. Citizen of Mosul is still active Healing Iraq is healing Iraqis… but …
Category Archives: War and Peace
Build Wind Energy, develop Pacific oil/gas… or fight wars?
This was a comment by someone I talked to a few months ago.. unfortunately, it was so long ago, and I started this post so long ago… that I no longer have my notes about WHO that person was… so lets just call him John Doe. Let’s take that $300 billion figure for the Iraq …
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Brazil becomes first South American Nuclear Player
Our is that Nucular? A new centrifuge facility was formally opened on Friday at the Resende nuclear plant in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The Brazilian government says its technology is some of the most advanced in the world. The official opening follows lengthy negotiations with the United Nations nuclear watchdog, the IAEA. They …
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