What’s so wrong with the Canadian Rightwing-o-sphere.

Ezra Levants The Shotgun blog is, at times, simply revolting. Take one of todays posts by Wonder Woman about the two Palestinian women who were killed by Israeli soldiers while standing as “human shields” in front of a Mosque in Gaza. Wonder Womans says in response, “Women…using their bodies as human shields to protect murderers…. …

Two opposite opinions from the Left

Is John Robb at Global Guerrillas “left”? I would say so… Anyway, he has an interesting link to a leaked powerpoint slide from a US Central Command presentation showing how the US military views Iraqs slide from “Peace” to “Chaos”. John advocates a quick pullout of Coalition troops. Contrast that with Howar Ziad, Ambassador of …

Quick Links – Norks, Worms, and Dads turned Commander-in-Chief

(This post created using Google Docs.. cool webapp) Some interesting happenings and events in the past few days. Lets just run through a few: Last Thursday, 4 US F-15s and 2 Canadian CF-18s “intercepted” a Russian “Bear” bomber, as it cruised close to Alaskan airspace. Not a serious or threatening incident, but one that is …