What was said to Bush before it was said to us

I watched President Bush tonight. And I have to admit. For the first time that I remember, I actually detected… well i don’t know.. it seemed so foreign. Was it honesty? Or was it just what I wanted to hear.. not in substance, but in delivery? Makes one wonder just how much of what Bush …

Good Guys beat Bad Guys again

The Islamic boogeyman has been eradicated by the forces of good… mainly by these characters: Indha Adde… Somali minister and warlord. President: Abdullahi YUSUF Ahmed The same people who have done nothing but fight amongst themselves for the past decade, leaving Somalia lawless, and hopeless. The UIC had brought what many Somalis considered law, order, …

A little taste of Iraq

From the CBC “We are getting some reports of customers getting aggressive with our crews because they want their power restored,” Moreno said. “Please be patient with us, we need our space to work and to work safely. We understand that you’re frustrated right now. But we are trying the best we can to get …