Kofi Annan has finally released his report and recommendations on how to go about reforming the United Nations. I’m in the process of looking through it. It’s, of course, very large. But already I see encouraging facets to the recommendations. Even if they may not go far enough, they are definitely going in the right …
Category Archives: UN
Freedom and Democracy… our way.
As the 2nd term of President George Bush gets revved up, it is becoming more and more clear that there will be less and less constructive dialogue coming out of the White House. Our strength as a nation-state will continue to be challenged by those who employ a strategy of the weak, using international fora, …
Mr. Dithers grows a Backbone
And if Paul Martin isn’t careful he might just come across as being a leader. I gotta say I was flabergasted when I read, again on ADBOI, (yes, I know, I’m addicted) this: While “diplomacy and dialogue†remain a top priority, the Prime Minister said the world community “must be prepared to stand behind our …