Mahmoud Abbas has apparently banned all Palestinian citizens from carrying weapons in public. I’m really becoming more and more encouraged by what the new Palestinian leader is doing. He has beefed up security on his *own* borders, in an effort to stop terrorists from crossing. And now he has basically said that if you are …
Category Archives: Politics
Iraqi Election Coverage
As the fateful date appears, a website has popped up tracking election coverage “as it happens”. Make sure you go check out: “Friends of Democracy” Also stop by another Iraqi blog: “Democracy in Iraq” And finally, if you’d like the point of view of a Kurdish voter-to-be, go check out Kurdo’s World. He just put …
The Fun Continues
LT Smash apparently thinks I should give up the criticism, yet gives me more and more to work with. Frankly, I am quite surprised with his rather emotional reaction. I expected a far more reasoned and carefully worded response, but it’s all good. Although they became sovereign and independent in 1901, they’ve never really enjoyed …