Eritrea expels Canadian soldiers… JTF2 soldiers wounded

Canadian Peacekeepers patrolling the border in Eritrea look set to come home “in 10 days”. The BBC is reporting that the Eritrean Government has specifically asked for the troops of 4 nations, Canada, the US, the EU, and Russia to leave their territory. The UN mission monitoring the buffer zone between Eritrea and Ethiopia is …

US Dollar : Under Pressure from Russia

Yesterday I talked about how the Iranian government was using many different levers to “disrupt and annoy” the United States. Most critically, I mentioned their move to making all their oil transactions in Euros instead of Dolllars, thus forcing any countries using their oil to hold Euros in their federal reserves instead of Greenbacks. Admittedly, …

Green Party targets Alberta

How’s this for mythbusting. “The Green Party believes that Calgary is the Green capital of Canada, with eight per cent of the popular vote, which is the second highest percentage in Canada, which is something that no one really expected,” MacGillivray said. “But here we are with people that really understand what it means to …