1 million barrel disruption threatened… Alaska spill

Last month, guerrillas and “terrorists” in Nigeria threatened to shut down 30% of Nigeria’s oil exports. They managed 20%… about 450,000 barrels per day of oil from Nigeria’s usual output. This month, they have apparently, raised the bar a little higher. They promise to remove a further 1 million barrels of oil in March. If …

Wind Power Economics

In the comments of my previous post on Manitoba Wind Farms, David Billington asked, ” It would be interesting to know the economics of wind energy compared to fossil fuels as a source of electric power.” Indeed it would. And as if it were simply meant to be… out came a very timely article. It’s …

Blogging Links for DIGI… and posterity

I’m going to be giving a small talk to some students in the DIGI 110 course of our Media Studies Program at Malaspina University-College. I’ve given a similar talk to students in the CMC 290 class as well. They also have an ongoing “blog on blogging”. Here are some handy links to various blogging related …