Mini-Hydro and alt-energy grows in BC

Good news from my neck of the woods. Last week, BC Hydro announced a new generation projectrs from Independant Power Producers. Political objections about allowing business to control electrical energy resources aside… it *is* good that new generating capacity will be coming online in BC, and the majority of it is from renewable sources. A …

Russia support Venezuelan bid for UNSC post

Hugo Chavez was in Moscow yesterday He signed or completed a number of arms deals worth over $US3 Billion. These included a small fleet of SU-30 fighter Jets as well as a large number of helicopters. Perhaps the most interesting facet of his trip, though, was his campaign for support of Venezuelas bid for one …

Pakistan expands Nuclear program

That country between Afghanistan and India… you know, the one that is in effect partially ruled by the Taliban/Islamic militants and was the only public outlet for the Taliban when they ruled Afghanistan… well, it’s expanding it’s nuclear program. And in a big big big way. … the dimensions of the new reactor suggest a …