Canadians Helping spread Democracy

I found the answer to my question last time about “how to become an election monitor”. And in the process, found a very cool and interesting website. CANADEM is a non-profit agency dedicated to advancing international peace and security through the recruitment, screening, promotion and rapid mobilization of Canadian expertise. These are the people who …

My World for a Cardboard House

Ever play “house” with a refrigerator box when you were a kid? Well, now you really CAN live in one! Some Australian researchers have constructed a house almost completely out of cardboard… and 100% recycleable! Granted, I don’t think you’d want to build one of these things in Canada… slightly too cold and wet… but …

Russia builds new Space Ship

A little science geekery tonight. Just for a change. The maker of the Soyuz capsule has created a space shuttle “competitor”. No, it’s not as big or as advanced as the space shuttle.. but it’s cheaper and more versatile than a Soyuz to launch and operate. And that’s really something for a reusable space vehicle. …