New Liberal Leader – First Green PM?

(cross-posted to The Oil Drum: Canada) In a stunning victory, Stephane Dion is the new Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and has a good chance of being the next Prime Minister of Canada. (for those not French-inclined, his name is pronounced “Stay-fan Deon”) Todays Liberal Leadership Convension was truly something to behold. Not …

Port Alberni City Council considers legal action against BC Government

Concerned citizens and grass-roots organizations can make a difference! It’s happening here in Port Alberni. At the City Council meeting this past Monday night (hattip:, Keith Wyton, Chair of the Save-Our-Valley-Alliance (SOVA), presented Council with reasons why legal action should be taken against the BC Government for allowing private timberlands to be taken from …

Some Peak News

There have been a few interesting articles relating to Peak Oil that I wanted to pass peoples way. #1: Does the Peak Oil Myth Fall Down… to steal directly from the EnergyBulleting/Oil Drum release: With the release of Why the “Peak Oil” Theory Falls Down — Myths, Legends and the Future of Oil Resources by …