Scientific Consensus – is a darn strong theory

Today on the Scientific American blog there is a great article from the Editor talking about the different meanings of the term “Scientific Consensus.” I highly recommend reading this article. It explains very well why precisely why the “debate” about human caused climate change is “over”. But in brief, it’s not because every scientist in …

Another Run-of-River Hydro on Vancouver Island

The flood gates seem to be opening to independant power producers here in BC. And while i don’t like that BC Hydro isn’t doing the dirty work, clean power is still the most important thing in the long. I saw the notice of purchase of Crown Land today in the Alberni Valley Times. The application …

Analysing North American Natural Gas Production

Today on The Oil Drum is an excellent analysis of production from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin… also know as “The Oil (and Gas) Patch”. This is where 95% of Canadas’ Natural Gas comes from. And where 1/4 of all of North Americas used Natural Gas is extracted. Please, go check it out… but the …