Seeking Environmental and Economic Leadership on Port Alberni City Council

This is a letter I wrote to Port Alberni Mayor Ken McRae on November 2, 2007. Dear Mr. Mayor and Members of Council Over the past few months I’ve had the chance to engage in some good discussion on City matters through the public meetings on the Budget and Recycling. Thank you for that opportunity. …

Economic Development Synergies in Port Alberni

This was a letter I sent to the Economic Development Manager of Port Alberni a while back. I thought I’d post it here as well. Two of the most valuable economic resources in our City are the deep water Port and the (formerly) heavy grade rail line. Combined with the rail barge at Nanaimo Harbour, …

An Open Letter on Gas Taxes to BC – Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Dear Ms Bader, (B.C. director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation) I recently read your column titled “Say No to Gas Tax Hike” published by Your views are shared by many, but as with many major societal changes, change comes slowly, and reluctantly. My purpose is not to argue about man-made climate change, scientific …