Bike racks at 6PM. Foot/bike bridge and Nanaimo foot ferry at 7PM

Just a quick note that if you are in support of more bike and pedestrian friendly infrastructure in our City today might be a good day to head to City Hall. At 6PM there will be an official public hearing on whether the Official Community Plan should be amended to require bike racks or bike …

From 1995 – The effects of greenhouse gases on the biosphere of Canada

The following is an essay I wrote for Biology 150 at UVic in my first year in 1995.  I only recently rediscovered this essay when I was going through some old digital files on a very old Atari ST computer that I grew up using.    I’m not sure if it is a draft or …

Getting Rail back into Port Alberni and reforming the ICF

If you have read any of my letters to the papers over the last few years you would know I see reactivating the railway as a key way to grow our economy, limit city expenses, and provide new opportunities for tourism and commuters in a financially responsible and climate sensitive way. You can see my …