New Scientist says Travel Bans don’t work for flu

An interesting article today from New Scientist on why Travel Bans don’t work to prevent the spread of a pandemic. “There is no real sense in applying strict travel restrictions especially at this stage. It’s not going to help,” says Alessandro Vespignani, a computer scientist at the University of Indiana in Bloomington, whose team is …

Source of Swine Flu might be found.

And it is a familiar refrain. In this story detailing what looks to be the first cases of swine flu hitting a village named La Gloria in Veracruz, Mexico the possible source, a large production pork factory. A La Gloria resident who spoke to the Guardian on condition of anonymity yesterday described how illness swept …

The Anatomy of Oil Decline

I spend a lot of words talking about oil decline without explaining what it is or how it works… well. If you’re looking for a slightly more technical take… here’s one on Cantarell.(Gerson Lehrman Group) An average well in 1981 would produce 29,000 bbl/day. Development continued with production coming from many of the fields including …