Vancouver Island Economic Alliance Summit report – 2017 – Updating Wed/Thurs

I am here for the VIEA Summit 2017 on behalf of Council.  I’ll be doing a report like I have done for UBCM.  It is just a two day conference with just three or four sessions that I’ll be able to attend but I have always found it to be very valuable.  Below is my …

My (oh my!) Mini Split Heat Pump Savings! They could be yours? :)

I just received confirmation that BC Hydro has received (by email) my application for their $800 Rebate for mini-split heat pump installs. Woot! Hopefully the cheque comes back soon. 🙂 (note the rebate is only available for mini-split not traditional heat pumps) I could only apply for the Hydro rebate (there are a bunch!) because …

UBCM 2017! So many Meeting with Ministers and Staff. Stay tuned all week.

The Full UBCM 2017 Report is done! Preamble We have a ton of meetings this year with Ministers! Here is my calendar right now! In order the meetings we have are: Ministry of Environment – on Climate Adaptation measures, flooding, and setting up further meetings and on support for new Open Burning Restrictions Ministry of …