A Letter for the Maplehurst Trails and ecosystems in Port Alberni

Update email from Greenmax. I was forwarded this enail which was sent to folks who had sent concerns. It appears some changes might be in the works. Hello Again,UPDATE ON MAPLEHURST PARK.In previous responses I have sent to you, it now appears that the information about Maplehurst Park may be incorrect.I am continuing to clarify …

Re-assessing my screen time after turning off notifications and #resistfacebook

Back in November I wrote a blog about discovering the “screen time” monitoring and managing service that Apple provides on its devices. I knew I was in front of a device screen (and this doesn’t count laptop time at work or home) a lot but it was still amazing to see just how much. That …

13 Decades of Pictures of the Trees at the Bottom of Argyle

In the gallery below I have compiled at least one photo from nearly every decade since the 1890s that features a picture of the trees at the bottom of Argyle in what is now commonly known as “Sea Cadet Park”. All pictures are from the Alberni Valley Museum digital archive. If you click on a …