Author Archives: chrisale
Flippin’ and a Floppin’
Hey there. Well, Jade is getting bigger everyday. She’s probably 10lbs now! I think she puts on an ounce everytime she eats a spoonful of rice cereal. There’s a new wrinkle every hour… a new layer of fat every few minutes. Lucky for her it all just makes her that much more cute! All is …
It’s Almost-Solid Food! ~9lbs
Hi! //Start News Ticker sound- “Dat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-dat This just in! Baby Jade eats Rice Cereal for the first time! “Dat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-dat Jade went to the doctor this week and got weighed and stuff.. right? I told you that already I think. Anyway the doctor mentioned that she could start eating solid (relatively) food when she was 4-6months. …