Last Weeked was, of course another busy one as I’ve already written. I currently don’t have my regular laptop that I use to update photos. Its’ AC Adapter died so I’m waiting for a replacement to come in the mail. Until then I will humour you with more pictures courtesy of my mom.
Author Archives: chrisale
T Minus 7 Days and counting
There is one week to go before the US election. No matter what poll you use the race is a statistical dead heat. Electoral is now showing Bush as leading in enough states that he would win the election… however he points out some interesting irregularities in polling. Six new polls in Florida show …
New Political Site
Hello Again. As you may have noticed I am fairly opinionated when it comes to the political scene and I like to express my views online. To that end, I have created a new blog called Murky I’m going to be posting all of my political, environmental and social stuff on that page from …