Hey everyone, Well, Jade will be 9 months old in a few days! I can’t believe how fast this first year is whipping by! Jade is now 17.7lbs and over 2 feet long! She’s getting more and more unruly… arching her back, flailing her arms and kicking her feet. All in good fun of course. …
Author Archives: chrisale
US Senators response to Volcker Report
//SARCASM FILTER ON// 😉 So, I went looking for some responses from the people who have been most vocal in the US Senate against the UN and the OFF program. I only came up with one response from the supposed “leader” of the movement against the UN and Kofi Annan, Norm Coleman (R-Minnesota) He said: …
National Daycare… PLEASE!
I have a young family. We have a reasonable mortgage ($900)… I have a good, full-time job that I commute to everyday (200km return, about 2.5 hours everyday). We don’t spend extravagantly, we have a cat. We have some debt, mostly from pre-baby renovations, and a car loan, but it’s being managed. My wife has …