The intrepid, and seemingly fearless (some might say stupid) freelance reporter/blogger Christopher Albrighton is back in Baghdad after a long hiatus. He has an account today of his first day back. Christopher is the only reporter that I know of that not only performs his journalistic duties for respected publications (currently Time Magazine) but also …
Author Archives: chrisale
European Pics, blah blah blah Da Da Da
I combo-post. First. You’ll notice a plethora of new links on the left. I’ve finally redone my European excursion pics with the new viewer that I’ve been usinf for Jade. Feel free to peruse if you would like. Hope everyone is having a Happy Spring! Yay! The weather is warming up out here, and the …
Egyptian Reformers Demonstration
The Righto-sphere has been jumping up and down citing Egypt as being the latest domino to fall (or least, maybe, tip, slightly, or not) thanks to President Mubaraks acceptance of reform of the Egyptian constitution. Unfortunately actual reports from people in Egypt or even at the demonstrations have been sparse at best. has filled …