Installing the Weather34 skin on WeeWx with a remote server

UDPATE FEB 2021 – THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE OUT OF DATE The writers of Weather34 have done a ton of work and made installing on a remote server much easier! New Instructions Here. Original Post – Archived – Obsolete Here’s a howto on installing the Weather34 Template provided by Ian Steeple using a remote webhost fed …

In Memory of Keith

I found out yesterday about the passing of Keith Hunter. He suffered from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). In the growing span of my own lifetime, I only knew him for a short time, but his impact on me, and on this community, was significant. I will cherish the many many conversations we had and …

Mosaic appears to be shifting. Lets push them, repeal 21 and break Ministerial silos.

On Friday a group of folks concerned about protecting our watershed and access to our backcountry met with our MLA Scott Fraser. Our MLA is always a good person to discuss issues with and this is an issue he has heard frequently over the past many years. The disconnect between Health and Forests. We had …