Proportional Representation in Iraq

On the eve of a likely an Election call in Canada there is another election coming soon half a world away, in Iraq. Iraq the Model has a good explanation of the new election scenario for Iraqis. each province will constitute one circle and a certain number of seats will be allocated to each province/circle …

Port Alberni Weather at your Service

Over the last many weeks I’ve been trying to install my own Personal Weather Station. It’s a really nifty piece of equipment.. if a little pricey. I’ve never been very happy with the weather conditions coverage for my hometown of Port Alberni. We’re one of those towns that’s big enough to get on the odd …

Stick a Fork in Bush: He’s Done

and thanks in large part to bloggers. Daily Kos is reporting on a Pentagon briefing paper dug up by Thing Progress. It’s from 1995. It speaks for itself: IRAQ’S POSSIBLE EMPLOYMENT OF PHOSPHOROUS CHEMICAL WEAPONS — IN LATE FEBRUARY 1991, FOLLOWING THE COALITION FORCES’ OVERWHELMING VICTORY OVER IRAQ, KURDISH REBELS STEPPED UP THEIRSTRUGGLE AGAINST IRAQI …