Green Party targets Alberta

How’s this for mythbusting. “The Green Party believes that Calgary is the Green capital of Canada, with eight per cent of the popular vote, which is the second highest percentage in Canada, which is something that no one really expected,” MacGillivray said. “But here we are with people that really understand what it means to …

Excellent running Poll tracker

Here’s a webpage we should all have in our Bookmarks for this election. Poll tracker They have current reported polling numbers from all pollsters including a daily running list since the start of the election. It’s an excellent aggregation of important information. Current results? The parties have moved very little since the start of …

Iran: Threatening US Economic Dominance

There has been a landslide of news out of Iran this week. Taken one bit at a time, it wouldn’t be so bad… but as it is all happening all at once, it does not bode well for the economic, social, and military balance in the world. Here’s a list of the major news from …