Some Peak News

There have been a few interesting articles relating to Peak Oil that I wanted to pass peoples way. #1: Does the Peak Oil Myth Fall Down… to steal directly from the EnergyBulleting/Oil Drum release: With the release of Why the “Peak Oil” Theory Falls Down — Myths, Legends and the Future of Oil Resources by …

Nov 15, Worse than the Tsunami – Boil Water Advisories

Multiple reports from people who were in Port Alberni in 1964 have indicated that the November 15 events were worse and have caused more damage than even the famous Tsunami that hi Port Alberni after the giant earthquake in Alaska in 1964. The has the best coverage of the events. Including a photo gallery. …

Nov 15 Storm in Port Alberni

So yesterday we had a real ripper of a storm here in Beautiful BC. It hit most of the Southern Coast of the province including Vancouver, Victoria and Vancouver Island. Hardest hit seems to have been my own town of Port Alberni. There were trees falling everywhere, 105km/h winds on my weather station branches being …