(This letter was sent to the Anchorage Daily News on March 18, 2025, it was published online the same day.)
Dear Editor,
I was mildly dumbfounded when I stumbled upon Mr. Crawford’s recent letter extolling the virtues of Alaska joining Canada… and double-double-dumbfounded when I realized it was in response to Mr. Jones. Is this a movement?
I may be just a “southerner” down here on Vancouver Island in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, but I have had the privilege of entering Alaskan waters on my family salmon troller in the 1990s. It was a rather fraught time back then with the “Salmon Wars”, but today is an entirely different boat load of fish.
Alaska becoming Canada’s 11th province would be exciting for us, to be sure, and I can see myriad wonderful benefits for both parties, particularly when it comes to the re-connections between Indigenous nations. But there is one thing I would want to make clear and I think I can speak for the vast majority in my country.
I would want the decision to be by and of Alaskans first and foremost, and followed by a decision of Canada’s people to welcome you in.
As likely as it may be that we would both say “Heck Ya, eh!”, respect for each other’s sovereignty to make that decision legally and peacefully, must always be of the greatest importance.
Chris in Port Alberni, BC