Watching The Trump Impeachment Trial – Day One

Regardless of one’s political leanings we are in a historic moment in the Presidency of the United States of America. In honour of that, I thought I would make a post of the proceedings today as the US Senate officially became a Court of Impeachment. You can view them through C-SPAN here: There are three …

The BC NDP Platform

The election campaign is officially here. The barbs have been flying for some time now, but I thought it worth it to go through each party platform, even though I will likely vote NDP, I still think it’s important to go through everything and pick out what I like, or really don’t, as much as …

BREAKING: US Gov. rejects GM and Chrysler plans… suggests bankruptcy.

Wow: The Obama administration autos task force Monday rejected the turnaround plans of General Motors and Chrysler LLC and warned both could be put through bankruptcy to slash debts. “We have unfortunately concluded that neither plan submitted by either company represents viability and therefore does not warrant the substantial additional investments that they requested,” said …