The excellent and experienced former freelance reporter Chris Albrighton (I say former because he’s now affiliated with and writes for Time) has posted an honest reflection of whether he should stay in Iraq. He is understandably conflicted… he wants only to tell the story of Iraqis… yet at what cost. His words: The more I …
Tag Archives: USA
Explosive start to an important week in Iraq
I was going to start by talking about the final tally on the Constitution… but the events of the past few hours has overriden that. There have been 3 explosions in Baghdad, two smaller and one massive explosion. All in full view of journalist cameras in Baghdad. Christopher Albrighton says: [The Insurgents] know how to …
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Paul Martin phones George Bush re: Softwood
and says enough is enough, Canada is no longer at the negotiating table… it’s off to US Court we go! Needless to say.. when I heard this on the CBC this afternoon.. my jaw dropped. What’s this? Canada actually recognizing when Shes right and standing up for herself? Haazaa! From the CBC and National Post/ …
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