Manitoba Selkirk riding… Vote for this man

Ed Schreyer, former premier of Manitoba and Governor General of Canada impressed me today. I was on one of my favourite sites… The Oil Drum and ran across this article referencing this recent essay written by Ed Shreyer who is now apparently “on the Board of the International Institute for Sustainable Development”. It is quite …

Iran: Threatening US Economic Dominance

There has been a landslide of news out of Iran this week. Taken one bit at a time, it wouldn’t be so bad… but as it is all happening all at once, it does not bode well for the economic, social, and military balance in the world. Here’s a list of the major news from …

US says “Back Off” on Secret Prisons

Condoleeza Rice is apparently preparing a tough response to the EU’s suspicion of the US using their territory to host secret CIA jails. Canada has also been investigating claims by Montreal newspaper La Presse that up to 55 flights originating from the US stopped at Canadian airports. Condi will apparently tell the EU: “The key …